
Sub-workflows are special functions that, when called, run concurrently in the background.

Here is an example of defining and using a sub-workflow:

on git.push

fn test(version):
  echo Installing version (version)
  make install VERSION=(version)

  echo Running tests
  make test

for version in ["1.0", "1.1", "1,2"]:

This code will create 4 workflows: The "root" workflow, which is created automatically, and 3 sub-workflows which are spawned from the root workflow. When calling functions annotated with @workflow, the filesystem of root workflow is copied to the sub-workflow, meaning that any setup or caching done before calling test will be included in the sub-workflow.

When using sub-workflows, the session will be finished when all sub-workflows are finished executing.


Running processes are not preserved when creating sub-workflows, only the filesystem contents.