Setting Up Self-Hosted Runner

This is how to setup a self-hosted runner for use with

Note: There is no UI to setup or manage self-hosted runners at the moment. In order to get your runner ID and runner secret, please reach out to to get started.

Install via Docker

To install using Docker run the following command:

docker run \
  --rm -it \
  -e RUNNER_ID="runner id here" \
  -e RUNNER_SECRET="secret here" \

You should see output similar to this:

[2023-08-08 13:24:02,265.265] [INFO] [site-packages/cicada-runner/]: Attempting to read .env file
[2023-08-08 13:24:02,266.266] [INFO] [site-packages/cicada-runner/]: Connecting to
[2023-08-08 13:24:03,094.94] [INFO] [site-packages/cicada-runner/]: Connection successful

If you are having issues connecting try adding -e LOG_LEVEL=debug to Docker command to increase the verbosity.

If you are connecting a self-hosted runner to a self-hosted version of Cicada you will need to pass -e CICADA_DOMAIN="" to Docker as well.

Install Manually

Note: When installing Cicada on your local machine, workflows ran on your runner will have direct access to your machine. This is good if you need direct access to drivers or devices, but not great in terms of security. Only install manually if you have a specific need to do so!

Before you begin installing Cicada locally, make sure you have Python 3.11 installed. If you are using Ubuntu, read this Stack Overflow post on how to install Python 3.11.

Once you have Python 3.11 installed, create a new directory, create a .env file, and add the following:

RUNNER_ID="runner id here"
RUNNER_SECRET="secret here"

Replace runner id here with your runner UUID. Same for RUNNER_SECRET.

Then, install the runner and start it:

$ pip install cicada-runner
$ python3 -m cicada-runner